Elevate your beer with fruit purees: a comprehensive guide for brewers

puree arete

Elevate your beer with fruit purees: a comprehensive guide for brewers

Fruit purees can be a revolutionary ingredient, offering a world of flavors for creative experimentation. Puree Arete’s diverse range of 100% fruit purees spans from the unconventional Pumpkin to the exotic Prickly Pear, enabling brewers to infuse their beers with a spectrum of regional tastes. Imagine crafting a summer ale bursting with the tropical essences of Mango and Pineapple or enriching a stout with the deep, complex notes of Black Currant or Blueberry.

This extensive palette not only brings global flavors from North American Cranberries to Indian Alphonso Mangoes into your brewery but also ensures a consistent quality and taste in each batch. For both hobbyists and professional brewers, this variety unlocks endless possibilities, encouraging the creation of unique, regionally-inspired beers or bold, innovative flavor blends.

Exploring the Palette – Types of Fruit Purees and Their Flavors

Puree Arete offers a broad spectrum of all-natural fruit purees, each suited for various brewing styles:

Citrus Fruits:

Such as Lime, Orange, Blood Orange, Tangerine, and Pink Grapefruit, these purees can add a refreshing zing to lighter ales or complement the hop profile in an IPA.


Including Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, and Strawberry, these offer tart to sweet notes, ideal for enhancing porters, stouts, or creating fruit-forward ales.

Stone Fruits:

Like Apricot, Plum, and different Peach varieties, these purees provide a sweet and sometimes tangy profile, suitable for wheat beers, sours, and blond ales.

Tropical and Exotic Fruits:

Mango, Pineapple, Passion Fruit, Banana, and Dragon Fruit purees can introduce bold, tropical flavors, perfect for experimental IPAs or summer ales.

Brewing with Fruit Purees – A Practical Guide

Incorporating fruit purees into the brewing process can be done in several ways, each impacting the beer’s flavor and character differently:

During the Mash:

Adding puree during the mash can integrate the fruit flavors thoroughly. This is suitable for beers where the fruit flavor is meant to be subtle and well-blended.

During or After Fermentation:

Introducing puree during fermentation, or as a post-fermentation addition, allows for more pronounced fruit flavors. This method is ideal for ales and sours where the fruit character should stand out.

In the Secondary Fermenter:

Adding puree to the secondary fermenter is a common approach for a more controlled flavor infusion, often used for beers requiring a balance between malt, hops, and fruit flavors.

Tips and Tricks for Using Fruit Purees Effectively

Light Ales and Lagers:

Use a subtle amount, about 0.5 to 1 pound of puree per gallon, to avoid overpowering the beer’s inherent flavors.

IPAs and Pale Ales:

For a noticeable fruit presence, consider 1 to 2 pounds per gallon, complementing the hop character without overwhelming it.

Stouts and Porters:

These can handle richer fruit flavors, so 1.5 to 3 pounds per gallon works well, especially for darker fruits like berries or plums.

Sours and Wild Ales:

Experiment with 1 to 2.5 pounds per gallon, as these styles can benefit from both subtle and strong fruit flavors.

Seasonal and Specialty Beers:

Depending on the desired flavor intensity, use 1 to 3 pounds per gallon, allowing for creative and bold fruit expressions.

The Benefits of Fruit Purees in Brewing

Choosing fruit purees means embracing a world of enhanced flavors, aromas, and complexities in your beer. Puree Arete’s commitment to natural, sugar-free purees not only ensures consistency but also adds a wholesome dimension to your brews. Explore our range and take the first step towards a more flavorful brewing journey. Feel free to reach out with any questions about our products. Let’s brew something extraordinary together!

No sugar is added to Pureé Arête purees and concentrates for beverage manufacturers.

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