Cherry: the Miss Congeniality of fruits

puree arete

Cherry: the Miss Congeniality of fruits

For a child, that first Shirley Temple with real Maraschino cherries is the pinnacle of pleasure. When everything is going right with the world, you say, “Life is a bowl of cherries.” And then there are chocolate-covered cherries in a red, heart-shaped box. Is anything sweeter? But they’re also just a little sexy and rebellious in the right hands. Cherries are, in many ways, iconic. They’re part of the collective culture, and cherry has remained a favorite stand-alone or medley flavor throughout culinary history. The sweet and sour fruit’s popularity is still growing, according to the report Trending Fruit Flavors: 2021 and Beyond, developed by FONA International.

What does cherry pureé add to beer?


Cherry pureé can team up with virtually any ale or lager. Its sweet fruitiness can gently balance a sour ale, but cherry remains robust enough to bring rosy depth to a rich dark chocolate stout. It can add a faint touch of lingering tartness to a wheat beer, or it can go big in a ruby-red dessert beer syrupy enough to pour over cake or ice cream.

Cherry plays well with others, too.

Inventive brewers have paired cherry with honey and vanilla, citrus and dark chocolate, even cinnamon and other spices. It adds a little zing when used with blueberries and blackberries, and it harmonizes with the subtle oak flavors left over after barrel aging.


Cherry red is famous for fast cars and full, pouty lips, so imagine the halo effect that rosy glow can have on beer. Brewers have used the fruit’s vibrant red stain to unique effect. Some capture ruby-black hues while others tease a little light pink into the head. Cherry red can just as easily brighten a porter as an amber.


Maybe it’s the early association with candy, but sticky is often a word that comes to mind when that cherry sweetness hits. But the tannins in cherry can also bring a refreshing tartness. Looking for a full-bodied, juiciness? Cherry pureé can do that, too.

Pureé Arête: the popular pureé

At Pureé Arête, we develop pureés that capture the essence of a fruit, and our cherry pureé is no exception. Our natural pureé made from the highest-quality fresh cherries will be especially popular among brewers who enjoy experimenting with a bold, juicy flavor.

  • No sugar added.
  • Custom blends available.
  • All natural.

Contact us to learn more about our fruit pureés and concentrates for brewers.

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